Video about restoration of forested spring areas

Cooperation with foresters and water managers
25. 5. 2021
How are peat bogs affected by drainage?
17. 6. 2021
Restoration of springs and forestry management – Are these measures compatible?

This spring there was the North European Regional Meeting organized within the International Forestry Students’ Association. We cooperated with the organizers of the meeting – the Students’ Association of the Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences, CULS in Prague, to introduce the participants of the traditional pan-European event to the ongoing mire restoration activities in the Šumava National Park. We focused on project sites where we are restoring forest springs, smaller mountain streams and at the same time demonstrating that the restoration of the water regime in forests can work side by side with active forestry management.

Unfortunately, this year’s conference had to take place online, so a video was created in which we present some of the restored sites of the LIFE for MIRES project in the form of a short film excursion.